Third week in Chicago, no job still. Had three interviews at restaurants last week. Call backs are tomorrow. Budget has become even tighter, due to the approaching of October. Not only is Rent, Cable/Internet, Electric, and 2 parking tickets due October 1st, Mat's birthday is that day as well. Did I mention that Mat's last check from the Royal Oak store is somewhere between Detroit and California and has been for well over a week!?
We have enough food in the apartment to make one peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some pasta. I have some dried goods and I think there are some random things for smoothies in the freezer as well. I made tofu and broccoli fried rice last night and would like to make pesto tonight. I am about to head to the Jewel-Osco (equivalent to a Safeway, Kroger or a Spartan Store) for some groceries. Man, do I need a shopping cart.. although only being able to buy what I can carry is an advantage to us at the moment.
This week I will make croutons from left over bread, pesto, vegan lasagna, yellow squash something or other, breakfast sandwiches x5 and we will see what else comes along. I tend to get creative at the last minute...
Shopping List-(pre-store)
- Eggs
- Cheese (soy and dairy)
- Tofu
- Vanilla Yogurt (soy and dairy)
- Gimmie Lean Veggie Sausage
- Refried Beans x2
- Lasagna Noodles
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Baby carrots
- Green Pepper
- Yellow Squash
- Tomato
- Lemon
- Basil (already have walnuts, going to use those in pesto instead of Pine Nuts like Mom used to)
- Fruit (whatever is on sale)
- Oats
- English Muffins
- Bread for P.B sandwiches (Mat's lunch..)
- Ground Pepper
- Tortillas
I have yet to mention the difficulty level of cooking for two picky vegetarians. Mat has texture issues and will not eat cooked Tomatoes, Spinach, Onions or Raisins. I can't/won't eat a lot of dairy and Mat loves the real thing a little too much. Mat likes everything well done, overly cooked while I like it fresh, almost raw-with nutrients still intact. Mat could live of a potatoes and contributes that to his Irish heritage. I am not a fan unless they are slathered in butter and salt or deep-fried and that never makes my stomach happy. We do agree on eating mostly vegetarian, eating breakfast everyday and keeping Mushrooms as far away from out kitchen as possible. We also have an "I cook, You clean" agreement, which is beneficial either way. Mat makes better breakfast than I do..but don't tell him that. I don't know how to make coffee, I am convinced that that part of my brain is damaged. Mat needs coffee before he opens his eyes, but he is pretty good at making it with his eyes closed!! This is also our first time co-habitating, so we learning a lot of new things about each other. So here we goooo.!!
Thanks for shopping.